Ten Signs Your Little Girl is Ready to be a Grown-Up!

1. She reads COSMO while sitting on the potty.

2. She drinks Starbucks and drives a car with a pink pedicure.

3. She's obsessed with all of your makeup.

4. She's curious about....well other "female" things.

5. She wears high heels and feeds her baby all sorts of yummy food..including chia seeds ?!

6. She....really starts to look like a grown-up.

7. She plays dress up with her friends and acts... "sassy."

8. She reads stories to all of her baby dolls and then puts them down for a nap.

9. She writes "checks."

10. She insists on putting on her pink rain boots with her tutu and walks to the pool like she's "hot sh**t."

But then...at the end of the day.... she reminds you that she's only TWO and you are stuck dealing with ridiculous tantrums, tears & time outs!!!!

As my Papa always said........

yeah well........PASS ME THE FREAKIN' WINE! (please and thank you).....

With Love,

Jackie Wisor xo

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