Morning Avocados

Avocado is an incredibly delicious fruit with many health benefits. It's one of my favorites!!! The majority of fruit is packed with carbohydrates but avocados are high in healthy fats. It's so important to incorporate healthy fats into our diets because they are a great source of antioxidants, vitamin E and other important nutrients!

Not only is avocado a "weight-loss friendly" food but a heart-healthy food as well. There are so many ways to prepare avocado but today.... I wanted to share with you one of my favorite avocado recipes.

This breakfast recipe is packed with protein, fiber, potassium, vitamin D, vitamin B12, omega 3 and more! It's super easy to make, tasty and of course... healthy too. (I added some organic grape tomatoes and a few slices of fontina cheese to brighten up the plate)

My "Morning Avocados"

  • 2 large eggs (I prefer Egg-Land's Best "cage free" brown eggs)
  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 2 tablespoons of feta cheese (plain or tomato & basil)
  • Coconut oil
  • Tony Chachere's original creole seasoning. (I literally use this on "almost" everything)
  • 1/4 teaspoon of fresh ground pepper


1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.

2. Peel the avocado, slice it in half and take out the pit. Scoop out about one tablespoon of it's inside leaving just enough room for an egg. Add 1/4 tablespoon of coconut oil into each half.

3. Crack an egg into each avocado half (try to add the yolk first). Transfer the avocado into a baking dish and then season it with pepper and Tony's!

4. Sprinkle with feta cheese! (1 tablespoon on each half)
5. Place in the oven and bake for 15-20 minutes. (sometimes a little longer depending on the size of the avocado and eggs)

6. Add sides and ENJOY!

With Love,
Jackie Wisor xo







Ten Signs Your Little Girl is Ready to be a Grown-Up!

1. She reads COSMO while sitting on the potty.

2. She drinks Starbucks and drives a car with a pink pedicure.

3. She's obsessed with all of your makeup.

4. She's curious about....well other "female" things.

5. She wears high heels and feeds her baby all sorts of yummy food..including chia seeds ?!

6. She....really starts to look like a grown-up.

7. She plays dress up with her friends and acts... "sassy."

8. She reads stories to all of her baby dolls and then puts them down for a nap.

9. She writes "checks."

10. She insists on putting on her pink rain boots with her tutu and walks to the pool like she's "hot sh**t."

But the end of the day.... she reminds you that she's only TWO and you are stuck dealing with ridiculous tantrums, tears & time outs!!!!

As my Papa always said........

yeah well........PASS ME THE FREAKIN' WINE! (please and thank you).....

With Love,

Jackie Wisor xo

The "Terrific" and Terrible Twos (Part 1)

As my daughter Baylee enters into her second month of being TWO, I can only begin to reflect on what an emotional roller coaster ride this age can be! I keep asking myself "Did my son act this way??? I can't remember." She's screaming, crying and kicking one minute and then laughing and smiling the next. Oh, and I almost forgot to mention the lovely "bang the back of your head against the wall antic when you're in time out, or throw your body down on the floor like a mini psycho." Why do they act like this?? Don't they know they are only hurting themselves? It's just silly. Well, my friends, this is the stage of the "terrific" and terrible twos...... and it's EXHAUSTING.
Let's rewind to last Thursday morning. I woke up (in a fairly good mood), turned on my Keurig, cooked my kids breakfast and for just ONE split second I actually trusted my daughter alone. I allowed her to go into the bathroom after she was done eating to wash off all of the scrambled eggs and syrup from her sticky little hands. So I continued sipping my hazelnut coffee and cleaning up the kitchen when suddenly I noticed that it was very, very quiet. I also realized that the water was still running. So I put my coffee cup down, walked into the bathroom and........ THIS is what I found!!!!

She was literally taking a bath in the sink! Oh how clever this little human being is!!! She was sitting on a hand towel, had water up to her knees and she had just started adding scented soap to her "luke warm" bath. There was water all over the floor and counters, too. My first thought was "great now her Disney princess nightgown is completely soaked and I'm going to be stuck cleaning up this annoying mess. What a TERRIBLE way to begin a Thursday!"
BUT.... then Baylee turned around, said "Mama....Bafh" and gave me that sweet little smile of hers through those big brown eyes. She started laughing and then I couldn't help but laugh at this entire situation!!! I actually found myself getting a little teary eyed. I knew I had to grab my iPhone and capture this priceless moment on camera......immediately! So I did..........and I knew I had to share it on Instagram and Facebook I did. It ended up being a TERRIFIC way to begin a Thursday.
Let's fast forward to yesterday morning. I left the house at 5:30 am for my insane weekly stadium workout. I returned to the house around 7:30 and couldn't wait to take off my sweaty clothes, sit down, drink a cup of coffee and relax. I had already guzzled down one of my It Works Energy drinks earlier that morning but being that I only had three hours of sleep, I knew I needed an extra boost to get me through the day!
Before I could conquer these tasks that I was "oh so" looking forward to, I heard Baylee in her room grunting and yelling about well......"something." Since I knew she wasn't hurt, I waited about ten minutes before her ridiculous noises really started to bother me. When I walked into her room I found her rolling around on the floor (still grunting) and desperately trying to put on THREE different shirts at the same time! Being that I was so tired, I thought to myself  "ugh...this is a TERRIBLE way to start the day."
When she finally got all three shirts on and her "mini-wardrobe malfunction meltdown" came to an end......she was so proud of herself. She looked at me and smiled and, of course, I had to take a picture. So I grabbed my iPhone and told her to stand against the wall and smile! She told me "NO" and directed me to take a "selfie" with the phone. Suddenly, my day became TERRIFIC!!!! Here is the picture of our mother daughter "selfie" that my lovely two-year-old insisted on us taking. It's priceless. xoxo (Oh, and please don't mind my sweaty mascara look. It was not even 8 am)

So this is all just a part of my everyday life as a mom! Taking this crazy ride on this crazy roller coaster that just doesn't end!  But…….I wouldn't have it any other way.

With Love,
Jackie Wisor xo